/ x / deno@v1.28.2 / tools / bench


Re-bootstrapping allows deno devs to bench/profile/test JS-side changes without doing a full cargo build --release --bin deno which takes roughly ~4mn on M1s more on other machines which significantly slows down iteration & experimentation.


import { benchSync, rebootstrap } from "./tools/bench/mod.js";

const bootstrap = rebootstrap([

benchSync("resp_w_h", 1e6, () =>
  new bootstrap.fetch.Response("yolo", {
    status: 200,
    headers: {
      server: "deno",
      "content-type": "text/plain",

This code can then benched and profiled (using Chrome's DevTools) similar to regular userland code and the original source files appear in the DevTools as you would expect.


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