/ x / sheetjs@v0.18.3 / demos / react / Makefile

.PHONY: react react: init ## Simple server for react and clones python -mSimpleHTTPServer .PHONY: next next: init ## next.js demo mkdir -p pages public cat nexthdr.js sheetjs.js > pages/sheetjs.js cp ../../shim.js public/shim.js next .PHONY: native native: ## Build react-native project bash ./ .PHONY: ios ios: native ## react-native ios sim cd SheetJS; cd ios; pod install; cd -; react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone X"; cd - .PHONY: android android: native ## react-native android sim cd SheetJS; react-native run-android; cd - .PHONY: init init: ## set up node_modules and symlink mkdir -p node_modules cd node_modules; if [ ! -e xlsx ]; then ln -s ../../../ xlsx; fi; cd -

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