/ x / rambda@v9.1.1 / files /

=== export function append(xToAppend: T): (iterable: T[]) => T[]; is added for consistency and as a fallback just in case as there is no spec to cover this case === // cannot be tested with let list = [] because of implicit any === === "moduleResolution":"node",

import {createPipe, filter as filterRemeda} from 'remeda'

test('remeda test', () => { interface MyTestType{value:string} const list: MyTestType[] = [{ value: 'aaaa' }, { value: 'bbb' }]

let result = createPipe<MyTestType[], MyTestType[]>(filterRemeda((x) => x.value.includes('a')))(list) result // $ExpectType MyTestType[] })

=== still issue with order of rambda.js


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