/ x / manual@v1.28.2 / advanced / jsx_dom /

Using deno-dom with Deno

deno-dom is an implementation of DOM and HTML

parser in Deno. It is implemented in Rust (via Wasm) and TypeScript. There is also a "native" implementation, leveraging the FFI interface.

deno-dom aims for specification compliance, like jsdom and unlike LinkeDOM. Currently, deno-dom is slower than LinkeDOM for things like parsing data structures, but faster at some manipulation operations. Both deno-dom and LinkeDOM are significantly faster than jsdom.

As of deno_dom v0.1.22-alpha supports running on Deno Deploy. So if you want strict standards alignment, consider using deno-dom over LinkeDOM.

Basic example

This example will take a test string and parse it as HTML and generate a DOM structure based on it. It will then query that DOM structure, picking out the first heading it encounters and print out the text content of that heading:

import { DOMParser } from "";
import { assert } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/asserts.ts";

const document = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
  `<!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <title>Hello from Deno</title>
      <h1>Hello from Deno</h1>
        <input name="user">

const h1 = document.querySelector("h1");


Note: the example uses an unpinned version from deno_land/x, which you likely don't want to do, because the version can change and cause unexpected outcomes. You should use the latest version of available of deno-dom.

Faster startup

Just importing the deno-dom-wasm.ts file bootstraps the Wasm code via top level await. The problem is that top level await blocks the module loading process. Especially with big Wasm projects, it is a lot more performant to initialize the Wasm after module loading is complete.

deno-dom has the solution for that, they provide an alternative version of the library that does not automatically init the Wasm, and requires you to do it in the code:

import {
} from "";

(async () => {
  // initialize when you need it, but not at the top level
  await initParser();

  const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
    `<h1>Lorem ipsum dolor...</h1>`,

In addition, using the deno-dom-native.ts (which requires the --allow-ffi flag) will bypass the Wasm startup penalty as well as will not require the init() startup time. This would only work with the Deno CLI and not Deploy.


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