/ x / lume@v2.1.4 / tests / assets / picture / index.vto
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839<!doctype html><html><head> <title>Demo</title></head><body> <!-- without sizes --> <div transform-images="png 600@2"> <img src="/kevin schmid unsplash.jpg"> </div>
<picture transform-images="avif webp jpg 600@2"> <img src="/kevin schmid unsplash.jpg"> </picture> <!-- This image will be converted to a picture --> <img src="/kevin schmid unsplash.jpg" transform-images="avif webp jpg 300@2"> <!-- This image won't be converted to a picture --> <img src="/kevin schmid unsplash.jpg" transform-images="avif"> <!-- with sizes --> <div transform-images="png 600@2"> <img src="/kevin schmid unsplash.jpg" sizes="600px"> </div>
<picture transform-images="avif webp jpg 600@2"> <img src="/kevin schmid unsplash.jpg" sizes="600px"> </picture> <!-- This image will be converted to a picture --> <img src="/kevin schmid unsplash.jpg" transform-images="avif webp jpg 300@2" sizes="600px"></body></html>
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