/ x / lume@v2.1.4 / tests / __snapshots__ / eta.test.ts.snap
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[`build a site with eta 1`] = `{ formats: [ { engines: 0, ext: ".page.toml", loader: [AsyncFunction: toml], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".page.ts", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".page.js", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 0, ext: ".page.jsonc", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 0, ext: ".page.json", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: 0, ext: ".json", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: 0, ext: ".jsonc", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".md", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".markdown", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".js", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".ts", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".vento", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".vto", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: toml], engines: 0, ext: ".toml", loader: [AsyncFunction: toml], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: 0, ext: ".yaml", loader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: 0, ext: ".yml", loader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".eta", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, ], src: [ "/", "/_includes", "/_includes/footer.eta", "/_includes/header.eta", "/_includes/layout.eta", "/index.eta", ],}`;
snapshot[`build a site with eta 2`] = `[]`;
snapshot[`build a site with eta 3`] = `[ { content: \`<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Eta example</title></head><body> <nav> <a href="/blog/">Go to home</a> </nav> <h1>Timothy's Eta source code!</h1><footer>This is a footer of Timothy</footer></body></html>\`, data: { basename: "index", children: "<h1>Timothy's Eta source code!</h1><footer>This is a footer of Timothy</footer>", content: \`<h1><%= name %>'s Eta source code!</h1><%~ await includeAsync("/footer", { name }) %>\`, date: [], layout: "layout.eta", mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], name: "Timothy", page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", title: "Eta example", url: "/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".eta", path: "/index", remote: undefined, }, },]`;
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