/ x / gesso@v0.1.2 / scraper /
from time import sleep from dataclasses import dataclass import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, PageElement import sys import textwrap import string import re @dataclass class Param: name: str type: str description: str @dataclass class Route: name: str funcName: str paramName: str route: str method: str params: list[Param] returnType: str def get_entities(): entities = [] with open('../temp/entities.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): entities.append(line.strip()) return entities def clean_text(text: str): # removes punctuation text = text.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) return text.strip().replace('[deprecated]', '').replace(' ', '') def format_description(description: str): lines = textwrap.wrap(description, width=80) return '\n'.join([textwrap.indent(line, ' ') for line in lines]) def convert_to_func_name(name: str): words = name.split() name = [] name.append(words[0].lower().split('/')[0]) words.pop(0) for word in words: if word not in ["and", "a", "your"]: if '/' in word: name.append(word.split('/')[0].capitalize()) else: name.append(word.capitalize()) return name def create_params_and_route(tag: PageElement) -> Route: params = [] # find the route name routeName = tag.find('h2', 'api_method_name') if routeName is not None: routeName = routeName.a.string.strip() else: routeName = "NoRouteName" routeNameList = convert_to_func_name(routeName) routeName = ''.join(routeNameList) # get the endpoint name and endpoint thing = tag.find('h3', class_="endpoint") if thing is not None: method, endpoint = thing.string.strip().split() else: method, endpoint = "NoMethod", "NoEndpoint" endpoint = endpoint.replace("api/v1/", "") # parse descriptions for row in'tbody tr'): row_text = [x.text.strip() for x in row.find_all('td')] if 'Allowed values' in row_text[3]: row_text[3] = 'Allowed values: ' + row_text[3].split( 'Allowed values:')[1].strip().replace(')', '').replace(']', '') params.append(Param(row_text[0], row_text[2], row_text[3])) # write interfaces to params file paramName = f"{''.join([x.capitalize() for x in routeNameList])}Params.ts" # parse out the return type entities = get_entities() returnStr = tag.get_text().split('Returns')[-1].strip() entity = [ele for ele in entities if(ele in returnStr)] entity = entity[0] if len(entity) > 0 else "unknown" if 'a list of' in returnStr: entity += '[]' route = Route(routeName, clean_text(routeName), clean_text(f"{paramName[:-9]}Params"), endpoint, method, params, entity) if len(route.params) > 0: with open(f"../types/params.ts", "a") as f: f.write(create_interface(route, paramName[:-3])) return route def create_interface(route: Route, interfaceName: str): interfaceName = clean_text(interfaceName) interface = f'export interface {interfaceName} {{\n' names = [] typeDict = { "integer": "number", # some strings are String, so let's make sure it's lowercase "string": "string", "datetime": "Date", "date": "Date", "float": "number", "file": "unknown", "url": "string", "array": "unknown[]", "hash": "unknown", "serializedhash": "unknown", "json": "object", "numeric": "number", "object": "object", } for param in route.params: if param.type.lower() == "deprecated": continue name = type = param.type if type.startswith('[') and type.endswith(']'): removedBrackets = type[1:][:-1].lower() if removedBrackets in typeDict: type = typeDict[removedBrackets] type = f'{type}[]' else: type = typeDict[param.type.lower()] if param.type.lower() in typeDict else param.type if name[-1] == ']' and name[-2] == '[': name = name[:-2] type = f'{type}[]' else: name = clean_text(name) if param.type.startswith('multiple'): if type.endswith('s'): type = type[:-1] type = f'{type[8:]}[]' name = f'"{name}"' if name in names: continue interface += f' /**\n{format_description(param.description)} */\n' interface += f' {name}?: {type};\n' names.append(name) interface += '}\n\n' return interface def create_class(className: str, routes: list[Route]) -> str: className = className.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') entities = [] for route in routes: type = route.returnType.replace('[]', '') if type != 'unknown' and type not in entities: entities.append(type) params = [route.paramName for route in routes] # read text from params.ts with open('../types/params.ts', 'r') as f: paramsText = for param in params: if param not in paramsText: params.remove(param) entitiesImport = f"import {{ {', '.join(entities)} }} from '../types/models.ts';" paramImports = f"import {{ {', '.join(set(params))} }} from '../types/params.ts';" out = f'''import {{ BaseApi }} from './BaseApi.ts'; import {{ Configuration }} from './Configuration.ts'; {entitiesImport if len(entities) > 0 else ''} {paramImports if len(params) > 0 else ''} export class {className} extends BaseApi {{ constructor(config: Configuration) {{ super(config); }} ''' for route in routes: out += create_function(route) out += '}\n' return out def create_function(route: Route) -> str: method = route.method.lower() params = parse_route_parameters(route.route) paramSet = False if len(route.params) > 0: params.append(f"params?: {route.paramName}") paramSet = True params.append('body?: unknown') routeWithParams = replace_route_params(route.route) paramsSetter = '''if (params !== undefined) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) { url.searchParams.set(key, JSON.stringify(value)); } }''' joinParams = ', '.join(params) function = f'''public async {route.funcName}({joinParams}): Promise<{route.returnType}> {{ const endpoint = `/api/v1{routeWithParams}`; const url = new URL(endpoint, this.configuration.domain); {paramsSetter if paramSet else ''} const response = await this.{method}(url, JSON.stringify(body)); if (response.ok) {{ return await response.json() as {route.returnType}; }} return Promise.reject(response); }}\n ''' function = textwrap.indent(function, ' ') return function def replace_route_params(route: str): regex = r':\w*' routeParams = re.findall(regex, route) paramDict = {} for p in routeParams: paramDict[p] = f'${{{p[1:]}}}' routeWithParams = [] for chunk in route.split('/'): if chunk in paramDict: routeWithParams.append(paramDict[chunk]) else: routeWithParams.append(chunk) return '/'.join(routeWithParams) def parse_route_parameters(route: str) -> list[str]: chunks = route.split('/') if len(chunks) <= 2: return [] params = [] for chunk in chunks: if chunk.startswith(':'): params.append(f'{chunk[1:]}: string') return params # stackoverflow: def printProgressBar(iteration, total, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=1, length=100, fill='█', printEnd="\r") -> None: """ Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar @params: iteration - Required : current iteration (Int) total - Required : total iterations (Int) prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str) suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str) decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int) length - Optional : character length of bar (Int) fill - Optional : bar fill character (Str) printEnd - Optional : end character (e.g. "\r", "\r\n") (Str) """ percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format(100 * (iteration / float(total))) filledLength = int(length * iteration // total) bar = fill * filledLength + '-' * (length - filledLength) print(f'\r{prefix} |{bar}| {percent}% {suffix}', end=printEnd) # Print New Line on Complete if iteration == total: print() def main(): with open("endpoints.txt", "r") as f: endpoints = f.readlines() progCount = 0 total = len(endpoints) for end in endpoints: page = requests.get(end.strip()) if page.status_code == 403: print("You are being rate limited. Please wait a few minutes and try again.") sys.exit() soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') tags = soup.find_all('div', class_='method_details') className = soup.find('div', 'service') if className is not None: className = className.find('h1').string.replace('API', '').split() className = ''.join(className) className = className.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') else: className = 'NoWorkClass' routes = [] for tag in tags: routes.append(create_params_and_route(tag)) # write output of create_class to file with open(f"../src/{className}.ts", "w") as f: f.write(create_class(className, routes)) # epic progress progCount += 1 printProgressBar(progCount, total, 'Generating Routes', length=50) # they temporarily ban you if you make too many requests sleep(0.1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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