/ x / anilist_js@0.1.0

anilist-js .github/workflows/test.yml

Deno module for interacting with the anilist api. This package simplifies making queries from the anilist api. As of now, this package does not support making mutations.


Import the module in your code

import { Anilist } from '';

const anilist = new Anilist();

The package exports a base class Anilist. Initiate the class and use it.

The base anilist class bundles together multiple subclasses, all of which get initiated during initiating the base class. A documentation of the package is available here. Please refer to the file of each class here to view it's internal methods and documentations. Return types for functions arent implemented yet as creating interfaces for anilist results is a huge task.

To be added

  • Support mutations
  • Create interfaces for return types ?


This project and its code were inspired by Butterstroke's Anilist-node


anilist-js © Yakiyo. Authored and maintained by Yakiyo.

Released under MIT License.


Version Info

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a year ago